mailguard services

MailGuard provides a comprehensive range of SaaS (Software-as-a-Service) solutions addressing security, compliance and real-time risk intelligence.

Email Security MailGuard is a fully-managed service that neutralises threats before they enter your network. With multi-layered spam protection 'in the cloud' MailGuard successfully eliminates 99.999% of spam, constantly monitoring and combating new threats in real-time.

Email Image Filtering ImageGuard works by checking inbound and outbound email, ranking any images on probability of risk, and generating reports about the sender, recipient, date and time. It does exactly what its name suggests - it guards the image of your organisation to ensure people know you are serious about a serious issue.

Email Continuity MailGuard Live provides continuous access to recent inbound and outbound email via any web browser globally in a fully functioning, fully protected email environment, reducing the risk of lost opportunities.

Email Archiving SafeGuard business email archiving solution is a convenient and simple solution meeting legislative requirements to store email correspondence, whilst giving peace of mind that you have retained secure copies of all email messages from your workstation or servers – regardless of whether it has been deleted.

Managed Mailboxes Managed Mail offers a cost effective, secure email infrastructure ‘in the cloud’ giving owners total control of their email communication, while reducing the cost of establishing and maintaining email systems in-house.

Web Security WebGuard protects business networks, and the assets they contain, by eliminating malware and viruses before they reach your network. Delivered as a SaaS (software-as-a-service) solution, WebGuard neutralises threats before they infect workstations.

Analytical Reporting Gain insight into business risk and efficiency with powerful reporting that goes beyond inbound and outbound mail traffic.



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